Simple Cavity Error Signal

from pykat import finesse        # import the whole pykat.finesse package
from pykat.commands import *     # import all packages in pykat.commands
import numpy as np               # for basic math/sci/array functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for plotting
import scipy                     # for analysing the plots

# tell the notebook to automatically show plots inline below each cell
%matplotlib inline               
# use pykat's plotting style. change dpi to change plot sizes on your screen
basecode = """
l laser 0.005 0 n0   # Laser (Power = 5 mW, wavelength offset = 0)
s s1 0.5 n0 nc1

## The cavity ##
m m1 0.99 0.01 0 nc1 nc2  # Mirror  (R = 0.99, T = 0.01, phi = 0)
s sL 1 nc2 nc3            # Space (Length = 1 m)
m m2 0.99 0.01 0.01 nc3 nc4  # Mirror  (R = 0.99, T = 0.01, phi = 0)

fsig signal1 m2 phase 1000 0

#initialise Finesse with a new empty kat object
basekat = finesse.kat() 
#tell Finesse to talk less
basekat.verbose = False
#parse the Finesse code into PyKat

kat1 = deepcopy(basekat)
newcode1 = """
# pd1 tran $fs nc4
pd1 tran 0 nc4

xaxis signal1 f log 100 100k 1000
put tran f1 $x1
yaxis abs:deg
out1 =

kat2 = deepcopy(basekat)
newcode2 = """
pd tran nc4

xaxis m2 phi lin -10 10 1000
yaxis abs
out2 =



# Date User Information
155 4 years ago Shreejit Jadhav (current)
152 4 years ago Shreejit Jadhav
150 4 years ago Shreejit Jadhav (original)

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