Question: Regarding length of the PRC.

I tried to optimise the power in the PRC in the plane wave approximation by varying the total length of the cavity and I am getting peaks at somewhere around 321m and 304m. Now, as I understand it, these are peaks are where both the 9MHz and 45MHz side bands are resonant. Do we use these new lengths instead of 310m or should we change modulating frequencies and their corresponding modulation indices in order to get 310m as an optimised length?


# Date User Information
381 5 years ago Sagar Kumar Gupta (current)
380 5 years ago Sagar Kumar Gupta (original)

2 comments on “Question: Regarding length of the PRC.

  1. Hi Sagar,
    You don’t need to worry about control for task A until you get to the advanced tasks, so you should leave the PRC at 310m as specified (and I would remove / turn off the modulators for now). When you do get to control, you’re right in that the modulation frequencies need to be different (as mentioned in that task) – the PRC length should stay fixed.

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