GPU speed gain

In this post, we will see a comparison of the same calculation running on the CPU and GPU. The time taken by the simulations depends of course on your CPU and GPU, so the numbers presented here are not absolute. First example, calculation of the steady state high finesse cavity. Grid size Calculation time on […]

Ideas to speed up the simulations

FFT simulations could take times. The first idea to speed up would be to buy a new and powerful computer and hoping that Moore’s law will continue forever. The second idea would be to decrease the accuracy, a number which determines when we estimate that we have converged to the steady state field. It could […]

How to try OSCAR for free in your web browser (without installation) ?

Yes, it is now possible thanks to Matlab Online. First, you would need a Mathworks account, you may have one if you already have a Matlab license. Then go to the OSCAR Gitlab page and at the bottom of the readme file, you will find a button named Open in MATLAB Online: It should open […]