We would like to make a MICH scan of the microscopic length for a generic interferometer.
This was the Finesse 2 code
func rev = (-1)*$x1
xaxis NI phi lin -10 10 500
put NIAR phi $x1
put WI phi $rev
put WIAR phi $rev
noplot rev
We tried with
dof MICH NITM.phi -1 NETM.phi -1 WITM.phi +1 WETM.phi +1
but we obtain the message
`NITM.phi` should be a DOFDefinition
We found out that the problem was NITM.phi. The microscopic length is instead NITM.dofs.z:
dof MICH NITM.dofs.z -1 NETM.dofs.z -1 WITM.dofs.z +1 WETM.dofs.z +1
out4=model4.run(Xaxis(‘MICH.DC’, ‘lin’, -90, 190, 1000, relative=True))