This is a simple snippet of code showing how to change the Schnupp asymmetry in the finesse3 virgo model. The process is quite straightforward and is based on simply changing the length of the space between the beamsplitter and one of the compensation plates. An important step to follow the Schnupp asymmetry change is to […]
Author: Eleonora Capocasa
We found an issue in the function DARM_RF_to_DC(dc_offset = XX), The DC offset given as an input to the function was wrongly dived by two, within the function . This has been fixed by Riccardo.
For an offset of about 1~5mW we can still lock the ITF in a working point, we know for a very small offset this does not holds i.e. 0.1mW, but when an offset of 0.2mW is selected it crashes.