The BS mirror in LIGO is considered not large enough. Therefore, Hiro mentioned that there was a calculation long time ago about the clipping loss at BS. The calculation was done with OSCAR and FINESSE, however, different result was found. So we want to use these simulation tools to do these calculation again. On my […]
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Both keywords refer to the same action which fulfills the same task: to sweep over some parameter, to compute all the detector outputs, to return a solution object with its result, and finally to reset all the values it has changed during the sweep. The xaxis is used in KatScript command. It can be parsed […]
Finesse 3 has the ability to use both references to component parameters, and equations involving those parameters, as parameters themselves. This can lead to shorter, more intuitive files. To see what I mean, consider the following Finesse 2 example: Here a combination of set, func & put are used to make m2‘s transmissivity track that […]