Specifying arbitrary suspension plants

Arbitrary mechanical plants can be specified for each optic by giving a zpk description. The example below makes a simple Fabry-Perot cavity and specifies the longitudinal and pitch plants. First build the cavity The suspension plants are specified by defining dictionaries with the zpk definition of the plant. The code below defines a simple pendulum […]

Selecting Higher-Order Mode indices to model

Note: This post is based on the relevant Finesse 3 documentation page: https://finesse.docs.ligo.org/finesse3/usage/homs/selecting_modes.html Models in Finesse are, by default, created as plane-wave representations of the underlying configuration. This can be switched to a modal basis by specifying the mode indices that should be modelled by the system. There are a few key ways in which […]

Parameter References & Equations

Finesse 3 has the ability to use both references to component parameters, and equations involving those parameters, as parameters themselves. This can lead to shorter, more intuitive files. To see what I mean, consider the following Finesse 2 example: Here a combination of set, func & put are used to make m2‘s transmissivity track that […]


Welcome to the Finesse3 logbook. On this page we share and discuss Finesse3 examples. Finesse3 is currently in a pre-alpha state and changes quickly. The examples here are used to guide the code development. The software is not recommended for any simulation work yet.